Svetoslav Kantardzhev from the Union Collectors in Bulgaria: Let`s collect, let`s have fun!

ssCollecting is useful and relaxing, isn`t it? 🙂 I completely agree with Mr. Svetoslav Kantardzhiev, because collecting is a chance to connect with yourself, it is an independent source of pleasure and, last but not least, it could be considered as a chance to share your talent with the whole world.

stamps Like most people I have a hobby – I enjoy collecting stamps. It`s not something exotic and unusual, but it really makes me happier. In addition, collecting stamps is a great way to meet people with whom I have something in common. Sometimes I am surprised to understand how serious some collectors are about their stamps. To be honest, I`m sure that certain of them are in love with the collected ones.

One more advantage, related to collecting as a hobby, is the fact that you have something to share with others – another reason to reach out and show your new possessions.

In conclusion, according to my point of view and experience, collecting stamps is my private time when I can explore my own thoughts and feelings. Perhaps I am talking to you like a vegan who is explaining to a meat-eater how vegetables and fruits intake is healthy and tasty.

So, to understand me, just try! 🙂 You don`t lose anything!


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